let findKata = codewarsJS.includes("")
return findKata
codewarsJS.forEach(kata => {
kata.addBinary(a,b) == Sums numbers in binary
kata.bmi(weight,height) == BMI Weight Class
kata.boolToWord(bool) == Return boolean as string
kata.countPsumN(input) == Counts the positives numbers and sums the negative numbers in an array
kata.countVowels(str) == Counts the number of vowels in a string
kata.filterNums(list) == Returns an array of only numbers from any given list
kata.findCapitals(word) == Returns an ordered list containing the indexes of all capital letters
kata.friend(friends) == Filter list by length of names
kata.getMiddle(string) == Returns the middle character of a string
kata.inverseNum(number) == Inverse the number from positive to negative, or vice versa
kata.mergeArrays(arr1, arr2) == Merge two arrays and sort them
kata.multiplesOf3or5(number) == Returns the sum of all the multiples of 3 or 5
kata.reverseString(str) == Reverses a string
kata.squareSum(numbers) == Cubes all passed in numbers and returns sum
kata.strEnd(str, ending) == Compares ending of a string with a different string
kata.stringToArray(string) == Converts a string into an array of words
kata.sumMix(x) == Returns sum of array values as if all were numbers